Inclusive Research Engagement

At ACP, we’re committed to understanding and addressing the barriers to research participation for those affected by MS from historically marginalized populations and to assisting others involved in MS research and care to do the same.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Research

People affected by MS, from historically marginalized populations, are significantly underrepresented in MS research. When research studies lack diversity, in areas of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socio-economic standing, abilities, and in other dimensions, the evidence generated is not applicable to all.

Research studies that reflect the population of those living with MS, and that are designed to enable and encourage participation from all, are the pathway forward to improving the health, healthcare, and quality of life for all affected by MS.

ACP's Offerings for Inclusive Engagement

ACP resources for inclusive engagement reflect the organization’s commitment to collaboration and to the inclusion of insights and experiences of a diverse community of stakeholders. Our resources include:

1) The MS Minority Research Engagement Partnership Network (MREPN): Founded in 2016, the MREPN is a multi-stakeholder collaborative network focused on identifying and addressing the barriers to participation in MS research. Network members include those from underrepresented populations, industry representatives, researchers, healthcare providers, and others. All are welcome to join this strategic and collaborative network.

2) The Research Inclusion Diversity and Equity (RIDE) Council: The RIDE Council consists of ~30 individuals living with MS representing historically marginalized populations. Council members share their insights and experience to develop and execute initiatives to increase the diversity of MS research. The Council is available on a consulting basis to assist researchers, both academic and commercial, to increase the diversity, equity, and inclusivity of their research endeavors.

Tell us about your research needs

Connecting with us at ACP is the first step to understanding and addressing the barriers to research participation. 

Access the information you need

ACP is ready to partner with you to increase the diversity, inclusivity, and equity of your research endeavor.

Review the scientific publications

Learn more about our findings to date and how others are fostering diverse, equitable, and inclusive research.

Partner With ACP to Foster Inclusive Research Engagement

ACP is committed to increasing the diversity, equity, and inclusivity of MS research and care, and to assisting researchers and other partners for the same. Whether you’re looking to join the MS Minority Research Engagement Partnership Network or to benefit from the insights of the RIDE Council, we’re here to help.

Starting your inclusive research engagement journey is simple:

  1. Tell us about your needs (submit an inquiry form and we’ll follow up with a call)
  2. Submit a proposal 
  3. Work with ACP to get access to the resources you need

Ensure your research reflects the diversity of the MS population.

To learn more about our inclusive engagement resources, please contact

Hollie Schmidt, Vice President of Scientific Operations

Tell Us About Your Research