This is a statement that tells the audience about the importance and efficacy of the research that ACP does to help all of those affected by MS.

Accelerating research toward faster diagnoses, better treatments, and a cure.

The Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis (ACP) is a patient-founded national non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating advances toward a cure for MS.

Accelerating research toward faster diagnoses, better treatments, and a cure.

The Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis (ACP) is a patient-founded national non-profit organization dedicated to accelerating advances toward a cure for MS.

iConquer MS

As the only people-powered network for MS, iConquerMS brings together people affected by MS with researchers, healthcare providers, and funders to drive, shape, and accelerate research. iConquerMS members share their insights, experiences, and health information to prioritize research questions that matter most to them and to work in collaboration with researchers to get answers to those questions.

ACP Repository

Researchers seeking to better understand the causes and mechanisms of MS, and to conduct studies leading to faster diagnoses, better treatments, and a cure for the disease will benefit from accessing the high quality blood samples and data in the ACP Repository. Collected from over 3,200 participants diagnosed with MS, related demyelinating diseases, and healthy controls, the samples and data are available to any scientist worldwide.

Minority Research Engagement

is directed by ACP in the interests of meeting the research needs of and giving voice to underrepresented people living with MS, which results in better outcomes for all.